The Queen’s House – Artwork and Statues.

A photography of wall art and statues photographed at the Queen’s House, in Greenwich, London.

Camera: Samsung A51 5g
Lens: n/a
F/Number: f/5.6
ISO: 320

Focal Distance: 4.6 mm
Shutter Speed: 1/35 sec
Software: Adobe Lightroom Classic
Photographer: Bren Ryan

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14 responses to “The Queen’s House – Artwork and Statues.”

  1. Hi Bren, Thanks for joining up with PPAC today. I had to look up the Queen’s House. Mom and I visited England as saw many things, but I don’t remember that one, so thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you xx It is at the Greenwich Maritime building… It is in the middle of two larger buildings.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So is that part of the Maritime Museum? I did go to that by myself when I was there. I loved it. There were some painting there at the time that showed what a traffic jam it was in the Atlantic Ocean in the 1500-1600s. That was eye-opeing to me. The ocean seemed so vast, and to have it that chocked full of ships explained how busy the exploring and trade business was during that time.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes it’s part of the Maritime mus6… It’s the middle building between the coveted walkways xx

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          1. Okay, it’s been a very long time since I was there and I didn’t remember the “rest of the story,” or in this case, building.


          2. I didn’t know until the last visit that the two columned walkways that connect the buildings was originally a road…

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          3. That’s interesting as well. So they enclosed the entire thing. I don’t remember noticing that, though there were a lot of hallways. Is that where the crowned jewels are also displayed?

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          4. The crown jewels are in the Tower of London. This house was built for Anne of Denmark who married James VI and I. And it was the centre of Greenwich park.

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          5. OK, I remember seeing them and all of the armour and being so impressed. I need to digitize all my England pictures.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Very ornate, little used today I assume. ❤️

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  3. […] The Queen’s House – Artwork and Statues. […]

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